Monday 17 November 2014

How can we help children to be themselves?

Remember I was doing my online course? I am nearly reach the end and there are lots of good points that I would like to tell you! However, if I mention every single point that they have made in the videos, I think I will violate the copyright from the lecturers (smile)

Here's one main point that I would like to make here, a pretty important one I would say.

How can we help children to be themselves?  

Helen from Gowrie Victoria stated that:

1. Be there (they depend on you)
2. Tune in (meet their needs, see their needs)
3. Love me (build up trust)
4. Interpret (tell them what is going on)

1. Understand me ( they can understand much more than they can say)
2. Be patient ( they could not control themselves sometimes, need help)
3. Let me explore (discover everything they want to know)
4. Help me ( they are learning from you, you are my role model)(

1. I'm capable (self-direct, I'm in charge of my own learning)
2. Want mastery (practise)
3. Encourage me ( I'm still learning)

There are a lot for us, as an adult, parents, educators, to learn how to nurture our future generation to be an unique person. Support their learning in an open-ended way, help them to grow according to their speed and interests. These are very important elements for our children to learn.

If you are interested in such course, please visit Open2Study to have further information. I am going to enrol in another course soon. I will tell you which one it is later, hope to see you there.


Thursday 23 October 2014

Make myself busy

While I only have one subject left this semester and my dear friends are still struggling with the subjects that I did not enrol, I am bored at home (oh well. I did go to work). I was talking with T the other night that we have to equip ourselves with different skills, so yesterday night I was wandering around on the internet, searching for online courses. I was a member of Coursera,  however I found nothing interested me. Lucky me, after I searched for a while, I found this - Open2Study. They had provided a free course about early childhood education and the lecturers are from Australia! That's perfect! Time to do some revision in a relaxing way.

Join me to do some online courses and stay tuned. I'm going to post more often.


"Finding Living Direction" // Bondi Beach, Sydney - December 2012

Monday 6 October 2014

What should I write for my first post?

Hi guys, welcome to my new blog. Now I have absolutely no idea what to write on my first post. I have had so many blogs before this one, therefore my brain is totally out of ink right now. You may wonder why I had so many blogs and not keep using the same one. Oh well, this is a very good question. I believe we have different dreams and focus in different stages throughout our life. What I love to blog when I was younger is not what I am passionate about now, therefore I decide to start a new blog.

Reading this blog will let you know more about my life. Although it is not very busy and colourful, I can assure that it will be meaningful. Please inspire and encourage me more by leaving comments as well. Recently, I am challenging myself to do one meaningful thing each day. EASY is definitely not hooked with this challenge. However, I am trying my best. 

What you will see in this blog:

- Photoblogging - I love taking photos. I am thinking of challenging myself with one GOOD photo a day. 
- Teaching materials - I am a Master student in teaching. I really would like to share my way to be a teacher because it is hard but full of amazing experiences. 
- Recipes? - I love baking, maybe I would share some delicious recipe here
- Travel blogging - I love travelling, but you may only see this during my summer holidays (sad). But you may see me posting places around Australia or mostly, Adelaide (ha)
- My passions in that period of time - No need to explain I guess
- Reviews on anything that I have watched, gone, experienced.... 

Basically, this blog is fully of everything. Hope you will enjoy reading and stay tuned :)
